Release 4.3.095

Physical Inventory Count Sheet enhancement

FreshByte has enhanced the Physical Inventory Count sheet to include slots as a selection criterion when creating a count sheet.

*Note:   This feature is only available when slotting is licensed

In addition, FreshByte now includes the option to void all count sheets

Inventory -> Physical-> Physical Inventory Count Sheets



Maintain Standards Items Screen New Option

FreshByte has added the option to remove all inactive items and Units of Measure (UOMs) from customer specifications. The user can check the box and the system will remove the “ standard items that were not purchased since” date.

Customers-> Maintain Standard Items Screen



 New option to separate Invoices by Cash and COD Customers 

FreshByte has added a printing option to the shipping screen to separate COD and Cash Customer Invoices. This option will allow the user to print invoices based on the COD/Cash credit terms specified in the Customer Master.

Sales-> Shipping Screen



Target Sales Report Enhancement

 FreshByte has added the Export to Excel option on the Target Sales Report  

Sales-> Sales Reports (A-O) -> Comparative Sales -> Target Sales Report
