FreshByte Software added new features and System Settings which are detailed below.
Payables -> Vendor -> Misc. Tab
A New Option labeled “Vendor Lead Time ‘X’ “has been added to the Miscellaneous tab of the Vendor Master. This feature allows the user to enter the vendor's lead time. When the number of days is entered in this field, it will override the number of days entered through system settings. The estimated receiving date for all purchase orders for the vendor will now populate based on the number of days entered in the Vendor Lead Time Field.
A New System Setting has been introduced to allow the Buyer to be notified when a Purchase Order is received “X” days late. This setting operates similarly to the “Email Buyer PO Variance” setting.
If the Purchase Order has not been received as of the expected receive date or all line items have not been received, the system will send the Buyer, listed on the purchases order, an email with a list of all items on the Purchase Order and the items that have and have not been received. The list will include the PO#, Vendor Name, Expected Received date, Item Code, Item Description, Qty Ordered and Unit Cost.
The System Setting may be found through Options -> System Settings -> P.O. (1) -> Purchase Orders
*NOTE: The Buyer’s email address must be added in the personnel screen.
A new System Setting has been introduced that is similar to the current setting to “Display warning if the actual weight entered is greater or less than ‘X’% of the average”.
This new setting has been added to the Item Master and is located on the Misc.2 tab. It is labeled “Display warning if the actual weight entered (Catch Weight Item) is greater or less than ‘X’% of the average. The User will enter an acceptable variance amount when compared to the factor in the Item Master.
When the User enters a weight in the Receiving screen, the system compares the entered weight against the average weight on the Item Master. The User will receive a warning message if the weight variance is more than the allowable variance percentage.
*NOTE: This setting is only available for Catch Weight Items.
File -> Security -> Users – AR Tab
New User Security has been added that allows the Administrator to grant permission to each AR Report, individually.
File -> Security -> Users – AP Tab
New User Security has been added that allows the Administrator to grant permission to each AP Report, individually.
File -> Security -> Users – Inventory Tab
New User Security has been added that allows the Administrator to grant permission to each Inventory Report, individually.
File -> Security -> Users – Pricing/Taxing Tab
New User Security has been added that allows the Administrator to grant permission to each Pricing Report, individually.