FreshByte added two fields to the Daily Recap Report. Inventory Shortage Screen has an option to require a Reason Code to be entered in the if the delivery quantity is less than the ordered quantity. FreshByte has added 3 import utilities.
Daily Packout Recap
Inventory -> Packout Reports -> Daily Packout Recap
Two fields have been added to the Daily recap report. This screen now includes the lot number of the item made as well as the expiration date of the lot. The expiration date will be blank if not entered in the packout.
Default Return Reason Code added to the Inventory Shortage screen.
Sales -> Inventory Shortage
System Settings offers an option to require a Reason Code be entered if the delivery quantity is less than the ordered quantity. When updating the deliver quantity via the Inventory manager screen, the User now has the option to enter a default reason code.
The reason code will auto populate on each line. The User has the option to change the reason code on each line. Once saved the information will be updated on each sales order. In addition, the expansion of this screen has been enhanced to allow the user to see all columns without the need to scroll.
Utility Imports
FreshByte has added three new import utilities.
Import of Customer Specifications for multiple Customers in a single import
Import of Vendor Specifications for multiple Vendors in a single import
Import of Vendor on Sale data for multiple Vendors in a single export.
Contact FreshByte Customer Support at or by phone at 832-200-8000, for file templates and training of file imports.