Release 4.3.101

What’s New in version 4.3.101

Add on PO Status Form Enhancement

FreshByte has added a search feature to the Add-on PO Status Screen. The user can now filter by ‘Add-on PO Vendor’. An additional filter option is included to allow the user to filter results based on Add on Vendor Name.

Purchases -> Add-on PO Status Form

 AP Suspense Report Reference Information added to Excel 

FreshByte has introduced a column for payable invoice reference information to the Excel Report. If reference information notes are included, the information will print on the Excel Export Report.

Inventory ->Inventory Reports-> AP Suspense Report

New option added to Customer Listing Report

FreshByte has added a filter option to the Customer Listing Report to display both ‘Active and Inactive’ Customers. The additional column is included for both the printed and Excel Export to designate Active and Inactive Customers.  

Customers -> Customer Reports -> Customer Listing

Fresh Scan Enhancement (Licensed Module)

FreshByte has added a delete button to Fresh Scan Licensed Module that allows the user to delete scanned images.

Sales Analysis New Filter Option Added

A new filter option has been added to the Sales Analysis Report. When grouped by ‘Lot Number’, the Label field and Country of Origin field will populate if the information is included in the Purchase Order for the lot. FreshByte will leave the field empty if the information is not entered in the PO.

 Inventory Catalog Enhancement 

The Inventory Catalog has been updated to include new layouts and features.

Inventory -> Inventory Reports -> Inventory Catalog

 Packout Description Print Option

The Item Description field has been updated to display the full item description when printing.

Packouts -> Regular Packouts -> Print Option

 Bulk Maintain Packout Standards Screen Enhancement 

An option has been added to the Bulk Maintain Packout Standards Screen ‘Do not Print Quantities’. When the option is selected, the quantity will not print on the Packout Standard Report. The selection is user remembered.

Packouts -> Bulk Maintain Packout Standards

Sundry Check Option

The Sundry check option has been enhanced to allow the user to enter additional lines with deductions. The deductions (credits) are recorded and saved on the check and within the ledger.

Vendors -> Sundry Checks

Customer Statement Alternate Address Option

An option has been included to allow the user to select an alternate address for Customer Statements. The option to choose Alternate addresses is located in the Customer 2 tab in the Customer Master. The option is based on FreshByte’s Standard Customer Statement.

*NOTE: If a company has a custom statement, the feature will not work, and a modification will be required.

Customers -> Customer Reports-> Customer Statement

Set Up: Customers -> Customers -> Customer 2 tab