Release 4.3.104


Check Out the New Release 4.3.104


Vendor Profitability Screen Enhance

FreshByte has updated the ‘Vendor Profitability Screen’ to include the Vendor Name. All fields within the Screen are included in the Excel Export.


 Purchases -> Vendor Profitability  

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Sales Order Source Enhancement

FreshByte has modified the filter selection criteria for the Sales Order Source Report. The screen includes the option to filter by ‘Order Source Type’ and incorporates the EDI customer group when filtering by EDI as the order source. User Creation Date and time and User modification date and time. The report can be exported to Excel Flat File.

Sales -> Reports (A-O) Order Source Report


Sales Order Log Added Header Change Transaction Details

FreshByte has modified the Sales Order Log Report to provide user log details when the Customer Header information is changed through the ‘Change Invoice Header’ Utility. The report displays user modification details including old header and new header information.


Sales -> Reports (P-Z) Sales Order Log


 New Column Added Inventory Comparison Monitor


FreshByte has introduced a new ‘On Hand Available to Sell’ subtotal column to the Inventory Display Monitor Layout 5. The new column is added between the ‘Unallocated’ Sales Orders and ‘POs Due In’ column. The new column is included in the Excel Export.


Inventory- > Display Inventory -> Inventory Comparison Monitor


Instant Transfer Report Enhancement

FreshByte has added user transaction and user modification details to the Instant Transfer Report. The report includes the username, date, and time for all transfers. Transaction information is included in both the regular Excel Export and flat file export.

 Inventory -> Transfers -> Instant Transfer Report  



Sales Inventory Manager Enhancement


FreshByte has introduced a new field to the Sales Inventory Manager Screen that allows the user the ability to select a Short-Shipped Reason Code on the line of the item updated when a delivery quantity is less than the ordered quantity. The feature is available in Edit and Non- Edit Mode and will populate on the Sales Order.

Sales -> Inventory Manager


Shipping Screen Bulk Update Shipping Date Option

A new option has been added to the Shipping Screen to allow the user to bulk update the Shipping Date when updating the Delivery Date. The system will display a message option to update the ‘Ship Date’ when the user bulk updates the Delivery Date and confirms the updated date. The user has the option to select ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to Bulk update the Ship Date.
