Release 4.3.112


                         Check Out the New Release 4.3.112

Inventory Purchase Orders Print Option Enhance

FreshByte has updated the Inventory Purchase Orders screen Print option selections.  The print option selections are now user-remembered.  This new enhancement allows the user to print POs with the same print selections without the need to check the options each time.  

 Purchases -> Orders (Inventory) -> Print 



Open PO Report New Additions 

FreshByte has modified the Open PO Report by introducing two new fields to the Excel Export feature.  The report now includes the 'Production Date' and 'Expiration Date' fields.  If the fields are entered on the Purchase Order at the time of receiving, the fields will be displayed on the Open PO Report.  

Purchases -> Reports -> Open PO Report -> Export to Excel 4.3.112 -2

Item Master Enhancement 

The Item Master Screen has been enhanced to include the Production Date and Expiration Date on the Inventory tab.  When selecting lots from the Inventory tab, these new fields are visible if they were entered at the time of receiving a PO or entered during production on the Packout Line. 

Item Master -> Item Master -> Inventory Tab -> Lots

4.3.112 -Item Master

Inventory Aging Report by Production Date 

FreshByte has introduced a new feature that allows the user to filter the Inventory Aging Report by 'Production Date' instead of the 'Receive Date'.  By selecting this option, the user will be able to export the report to Excel. If the user selects the option, the print option will be disabled.  If the user selects 'Receive Date' as the option, the printed report now includes the Production Date. 

Inventory -> Inventory Reports -> Inventory Aging Report 

4.3.112 Inv Aging Report-1

4.3.112 -Inv Aging Report 2

Inventory Lot Expiration Report Addition

FreshByte has added a column to display the Lot Production Date in both the printed and exported reports.  The report uses the 'Packed on Date' as the production date for Packout lots.  The Production date from the Purchase Order line item is utilized for regular Purchase Order Lots. The report now provides the option to calculate by Production Date instead of Receive Date.  

 Inventory -> Inventory Reports -> Lot Expiration Report 

4.3.112 -Lot Exp prep

4.3.112 lot exp report

Sales Analysis Report Enhancement

FreshByte has introduced a new field to the Sales Analysis Report when exported to Excel.  The user can filter by lot number from the grouping and the exported report now includes the 'Label' Field column.  If the user enters information into the Lot Label field on the Purchase Order or Packout Line, the information will display on the Excel Export 

Sales -> Reports (P-Z) -> Sales Analysis Report 4.3.112 Sales Analysis selection

4.3.112 sales analysis Export