Payment / Refund Center Updates
This latest version introduces a range of enhancements to the Payment/Refund Center.
Customers -> Payment/Refund Center -> Batch Details Tab -> Payment/Refund Center
- The payment screen now features enhanced sorting options, allowing users to sort by 'Invoice Total' and 'Paid to Date fields.' The sorting functionality for dates, document numbers, and alternate document numbers remains unchanged. Previously, users were required to input the 'To' and 'From' dates prior to entering Edit Mode. This process has been streamlined to permit modifications during an Edit session.
- If a user inputs an invoice number that falls outside the defined date range, a notification will alert them that the invoice is outside the specified range, prompting confirmation to proceed with the selection. By clicking 'Yes,' the invoice will be selected, and the user can then enter the applicable amount.
The invoice cannot be selected by clicking on the SEL field; it must be selected by directly entering the invoice number. Additionally, payments cannot be applied to invoices dated later than the batch date.
FreshByte has also introduced a feature that enables users to double-click in the Apply Field to populate the amount of the selected invoice's balance amount. If the applied amount needs to be cleared, the user can easily do so by right-clicking to remove it.
Vendor Inventory Claim Enhancement
Vendors-> Vendor Reports -> Vendor Inventory Claims
A new feature has been introduced that allows users to export the Vendor Inventory Claim Report to Excel. This export will include all relevant fields, ensuring that even claim notes are captured in the spreadsheet.