FreshByte offers the feature to store GL expense accounts that are used on a Vendor Invoice. The following instructions outline how to delete an incorrect GL account from a Vendor Invoice or add GL Expense Accounts for the Vendor.
To remove unwanted GL codes that are automatically saved when used in the Payables screen from the Vendor Master, follow these steps:
1. Go to Vendors -> Vendors.
2. Select the Vendor by clicking the hashtag (#) next to the Vendor ID to populate the Vendor Lookup.
3. Select the correct Vendor by typing the Vendor Name to access the Vendor's account.
4. Click on Edit and then go to the Accounting tab.
5. In the Accounting tab, click on 'Expense Accounts' at the bottom left of the screen. This will open a window displaying the GL expense accounts.
6. Ensure that your cursor is on the expense account(s) line that you want to delete.
7. Click on the 'delete' button to remove the GL account from the Vendor Expense accounts.
8. Close the window and click on 'Save'.
Additionally, the user can add GL accounts from the Vendor Master screen to automatically populate the correct Vendor Expense accounts when adding a new Vendor by following the steps above and selecting the Add button to add the correct GL Codes. This will help ensure the accuracy of GL Expense codes.